
Sunday, January 01, 2012

Toilet "Loo" Rolls


I trust you're brimming with excitement regarding plans for your 2012 gardening season! As I look outside, my poor little townhouse garden is being drizzled over with freezing rain. Hard to think about the garden when we have days like this. Nevertheless....

You're probably wondering about the title of this blog entry. No, I haven't gone "loo-pie" :)

Usually by the start of December and into January, I save toilet paper rolls.

Just your ordinary "loo" roll or a paper towel roll will be good too.

I use them for propagating, seed time. Fun, fun, fun! I learned this method years ago at school. There are many products out there for starting up seeds.

Whether you use seed tray kits, or those peaty pop-up disks (when you add water, they swell and look like a cylinder of peat-moss) - I find this method is cheap, easy and a great means of waste diversion.

It takes me months to save up, so depending on your household size, start saving!

Here's a sneak peak at how it's done:
First, cut them in half. Depending on the seed size you plan to sow... you can cut one roll into 3 cylinders. Tiny seeds could benefit from a smaller length. (When cut in half, they stand about 1-1/2 inches tall).

If you have several children or you want to label your propagating seeds, label the cut rolls with permanent marker so you know either which child the seedling belongs to, or what seed is germinating. Saves having to use stick labels or the like.

Then place the cut cardboard roll into your bag of seeding mix soil and pack the soil in both ends until firm.  Place on your seeding tray and you're on your way to propagating your favourite plants.

Made out of cardboard, they are ideal. They help retain water, they stay firm even when you have to pinch back and handle your tiny seedlings. Best of all, once the established seedlings need to be planted outdoors or in pots, they can be planted with the roll, completely composting away in a few weeks.

If you home-school or want a wintery weekend project at the end of January or throughout February, this is a great project for kids. They love seeding and watching the plants pop up. Give it a go!

You'll never look at a toilet loo roll the same way again!

1 comment:

  1. Why did I not see this entry before?? great idea and I'll pass it on or use it when the grandkids come back! it's a loo-py idea and it just might work :) thx


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