Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pistachio Shells for Compost

I'm constantly thinking of ways to add bulk to my compost (outside of adding twigs/branches, etc). I enjoy eating pistachios and I only buy natural, unsalted pistachios. There's a ton of shells leftover after I've munched on them... I thought - I'm going to use them for the garden.

Only use them if they are UNSALTED, or the salt will kill off the natural bacterias and microorganisms in the compost.  Pistachio shells take ages to break down.

This shell was in my planter soil. Still hasn't broken down.
Two ways I use the shells:  First, I lined some of my pots with the shells, to lessen the need for more soil. Second, I added them to the compost. I have already seen their benefit in my planters which I filled two weeks ago with my 7 week ready compost.  (Follow up from my Starting Compost post and its update). Each one of my planters has my compost mix with shells half broken down.

Benefit: they help retain water and make the soil lighter!  I'm so impressed. Yay!

Try it!

Around Christmas time, I crack walnut, almond, hazelnut, chestnut, Brazilian-nut shells. Instead of tossing them out with uncompostable kitchen waste, I'll be composting them too.


  1. If you get the lightly salted. Can you just soak them in water to dissolve the salt?

  2. yes give them a few soaks then they are able to be used


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